Our Objectives :
To advance the knowledge and practice of stroke management as a science
To create an awareness of the prevalence of stroke disorders and to improve the standard of stroke diagnosis and treatment.
To encourage, develop or assist in the development of research in stroke and related disciplines.
Founded in 2001
The HONG KONG STROKE SOCIETY was founded in April 2001 and is now registered as a limited company in Hong Kong. The society has become a charity organization in Hong Kong since 2007.
A Nursing Chapter was introduced in 2009.
The Hong Kong Stroke Society: The Early Years
Excerpt from HKSS ASM 2021 Welcome Message by Prof CY Huang, Founding President of the Hong Kong Stroke Society
“The Hong Kong Stroke Society was formed at a time when there were few stroke societies in Asia, and no regional meetings for those involved in stroke care in the region. Thus, recognition of ethic and societal difference in response to stroke and its various treatment modalities were delayed and unrecognized, and regional clinical traits were also hampered.”
“Late in 2001, a group of us decided to change things…” “The driving force came from all three sectors involved in stroke care, those working in the university, public and private sectors.”
“From the beginning, the Society showed clear recognition of the way stroke care would evolve in the 21st century. Whilst members of the Preparatory Committee were all neurologists, the first Scientific Meeting on the 3rd November 2001 was an interdisciplinary meeting on arteriovenous malformation, and the first Council Members elected included neuroradiologist and neurosurgeons. To this day, the interdisciplinary composition of its membership sets the Hong Kong Stroke Society apart from the other stroke societies in the region.
Recognition of the importance of stroke team also was instilled into the membership early on by having Associate Memberships for other health professionals involved in stroke care to join the Society.
The third distinguishing feature of the Society is seen in the first meeting of the Society, during which, a concurrent session for lay audience was held. Thus, very early on, it was recognized that stroke care is a communal enterprise. No good stroke care can result unless we have partnership between both the professionals and the wider community.”
“Soon after formation, the Society started preparatory work for the first regional stroke meeting in Asia, the first Asia Pacific Conference Against Stroke (APCAS) which met in April 2004…”
“Ten years after the Hong Kong Stroke Society was formed, the pan Asia Pacific Stroke Group, The Asia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSO) finally was born in 2011 from the merger between APCAS and Asia Stroke Forum, born a year after APCAS…” “The Hong Kong Stroke Society celebrated the 9th anniversary of the first international meeting it very held, by hosting the third APSO conference.”
“So in many ways than one, the formation of the Hong Kong Stroke Society and its early years are of historical importance to remember.”
The Society shall have Full Members (Fellows), and Associate Members, and only Full Members have the voting power and the right of office or membership of the Stroke Council. A Full Member shall be a qualified clinician of good standing practicing in Hong Kong and spends substantial amount of professional time on stroke patients.
Membership Fee
The membership fees shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting.
The prevailing Lifetime membership fee for Full members (Fellow) shall be HK$1700. The prevailing Lifetime membership fee for Associate members shall be HK$1200.
For members who opt to pay annual membership fees instead, an entrance fee shall apply to a Fellow. The prevailing entrance fee for Full Members shall be HK$500, the annual membership fee for Full Members and Associate Members shall be HK$200. An Honorary Fellow or Honorary Member does not need to pay annual membership due.
Full Member (Fellow)
Associate Member
What is a Full Member (Fellow)?
- Voting Right
- Right of office or membership of the Stroke Council
- A qualified clinician of good standing practicing in Hong Kong
- Has spent a substantial amount of professional time on stroke patients.